Paint and Color Coordination

As you can see when choosing a color for your home there are so many things to consider. How can we help?

1. Brainstorming about ideas

Let’s decide about the paint after all the other decisions have been made. What is going on the wall? What fabric are we using for our windows? Rugs? Hardwood? Mexican tile? All these design elements have a major impact on the color you choose for the walls, so let’s slow down and wait until after these final decisions have been made.

2. Choose color carefully with an open mind

Let’s look at all the colors carefully to decide our tones. Sometimes the one you choose is the least one you expected to love.

3. Complete the look

Don’t forget your trim. We look at this as the finishing touches. Most often, people choose a light or neutral color but if you feel so bold - go bold! Contact us today to start filling your life with color.

Contact Information
River City Paint & Decorating
444 N Bay St
Post Falls, ID 83854

Phone: 208-777-7101
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